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#  Primary Production
#   from the San Pedro Time-series (SPOT) station
#  PI: Alyson Santoro (UCSB)
#  Co-PI: Douglas G. Capone (USC)
#  Version date: 20 August 2020
date          depth  pp_1           pp_2           pp_3           
2014-09-10    56     63.5           57.8           30.1           
2014-09-10    28     380.8          695.6          483.6          
2014-10-01    62     2.7            21.8           nd             
2014-10-01    31     195.7          254.5          287.5          
2014-11-12    56.1   88.3           85.5           72.1           
2014-11-12    35     565.2          462.1          624.6          
2014-12-08    52.5   44.2           43.1           59.5           
2014-12-08    30     367.3          403.1          341.5          
2015-01-15    56     82.2           80.0           69.1           
2015-01-15    29     284.8          329.0          276.5          
2015-02-18    35.5   322.0          304.3          843.5          
2015-02-18    18     1101.1         2204.9         2819.6         
2015-03-12    50.6   95.8           117.0          81.2           
2015-03-12    30     274.1          321.7          270.2          
2015-04-22    30     667.5          639.1          684.4          
2015-04-22    17     627.4          580.1          543.5          
2015-05-20    45     86.5           79.3           126.8          
2015-05-20    18     698.3          899.4          1048.5         
2015-06-17    35     164.1          186.8          163.0          
2015-06-17    20     616.9          779.2          882.5          
2015-07-14    47     nd             3.0            20.0           
2015-07-14    28     393.0          401.9          343.6          
2015-08-05    52.4   51.5           158.0          82.1           
2015-08-05    31     485.9          480.5          563.3          
2015-09-09    44.8   106.9          96.3           72.3           
2015-09-09    17     613.7          551.5          535.9          
2015-10-20    92.3   0.6            nd             nd             
2015-10-20    63     79.0           151.5          108.3          
2015-12-18    33     27.3           28.6           nd             
2016-01-16    31     1078.1         819.2          1018.9         
2016-01-16    23     1822.3         1750.4         1677.5         
2016-02-10    45     739.2          509.0          520.7          
2016-02-10    24     2265.5         1763.1         2086.7         
2016-03-16    34     466.9          375.5          nd             
2016-03-16    16     1406.0         1973.3         1297.9         
2016-04-13    41     74.2           62.7           53.5           
2016-04-13    24     369.0          341.6          411.6          
2016-05-18    49     34.7           82.7           213.1          
2016-05-18    24     1337.8         1468.3         nd             
2016-06-15    53     149.3          127.7          139.6          
2016-06-15    22     573.5          449.4          492.9          
2016-07-12    54     85.0           133.3          99.5           
2016-07-12    28     794.1          668.3          336.7